Uma Educational & Technical Society, Kakinada has organized an Assistive Devices Distribution for Person with Disabilities with the support of , under CSR Activity. Mrs. Krithika Shukla, IAS, Collector and District Magistrate, Kakinada District, has attended as chief guest and Mr. K.S.Murthy, Managing Director, Mrs. Neelima, Board of Director, Apex Frozen Foods Ltd, attend as guests of honors and Mr. V. Kamaraju, Assistant Director, Department for the Welfare of Differently Abled, Transgender and Senior Citizens, Kakinada District, has attended as special invitee and Mr.S.P Reddy Founder, Executive Director, UETS has presided over the meeting. 20 tricycles, 16 Artificial Limbs, 4 Calipers and 13 Hearing Aids have distributed in this program total 53 persons with disabilities have benefited from this program.