District Disability Rehabilitation Centre implementing agency: Uma Educational and Technical Society Kakinada has distributed 25 hearing aids, 15 all-terrain imported Tricycles and 20 artificial limbs to the PwDs with the support of Department of empowerment of persons with disabilities, ministry of social justice of empowerment, Government of India New Delhi under ADIP Scheme.
During this program Sri V Kamaraju, Assistant Director, Department of Welfare of Differently abled, Transgender and senior citizens East Godavari District as a chief Guest Dr. M Kamala Kumari, Dean CDC and Special officer MSN PG center, Aadikavi Nannaya University as a guest of honor and Sri P Subrahmanyam, Head CSR, Reliance Industry Ltd, Gadimoga as special invitee, Sri S.P Reddy, Executive Director of Uma Educational and Technical Society participated and distributed to the needy PwDs.
These assistive devices are very useful to the differently abled persons for their mobility & Rehabilitation. All philanthropists and donors are requested to join with us and extend your valuable support for this noble cause.