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About UETS 

Welcome to non-profit Organization

Uma Educational and Technical Society, is a leading NGO in Kakinada district, Andhra Pradesh, working towards the noble cause of disability. Since 37 years, it has been instrumental in rendering services to the poor, needy, and people with all kinds of disability. It has been providing dedicated service to such people at free of cost with the support of high value donors. So far the trust has been able to reach out to thousands of beneficiaries or persons with disabilities

The organization is registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 vide Registration Number 458/88 dated 13-09-1988.

Since then, with the support of state government, central government, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and philanthropists, we are providing various rehabilitation services.

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Special School for the



Early Intervention Rehabilitation



Daycare Centre
for Children


This film will be shared with the public in rural areas to raise awareness, educate and reduce stigma. It may also help someone recognize the warning signs of a mental illness they, or a loved one, have been experiencing and lead them to seek a professional diagnosis and treatment. Thank you Carers Worldwide

Donation Campaigns

Artificial Limb

₹ 10,000

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Sponsor a Meal

₹ 8,000

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Sponsor a Intellectual Disabled Child

₹ 20,000

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Social Impact

We are happy to serve the helpless and needy with love, care, and trust.

Children with
Intellectual Disabilities

Children with
Cerebral Palsy

Children with
Hearing Impairment

Children with

Children with
Multiple Disabilitie


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  +91 - 9491220349

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